Monday, December 30, 2013

24 year old guadeloupe student manoel maragnes is till missing

Veuillez nous aider à trouver Manoel implore désespère famille dimanche 29 décembre 2013 23:22 - Quelle devrait-ont-été un agréable Noël en famille s'est transformé en cauchemar pour la famille Maragnes. Leur fils et frère Manoel Maragnes, qui était censé arriver chez lui en Guadeloupe pour fêter Noël avec sa famille, a disparu juste avant les vacances. Rien n'a été entendu parler de lui depuis. Manoel était juste en train de terminer ses études en commerce international de la France, et travaille sur un projet de recherche à Saint-martin comme part de sa race. Il devait présenter un plan d'affaires relatives à ce projet en janvier. Manoel est arrivé à Saint-martin le 10 décembre et j'ai séjourné dans le Beach Plaza Hotel de Marigot. Le 13 décembre était sa famille à l'aéroport pour lui souhaiter la bienvenue la Guadeloupe, objectif qu'il s'était jamais arrivé. "Nous sommes désolés," Manoel proches de dire Marie-Lyne et Emmanuel Maragnes. " Manoel n'était pas à bord de l'avion, but a-t-il nous appeler. C'est alors que nous savions que quelque chose n'allait pas." Ses parents lui décrire comme "un responsable et indépendant garçon, toutes, qui est très proche de nous et à sa jeune soeur." "Manoel est un sérieux, calme garçon. Il est perfectionniste et travaillait dur sur son plan d'affaires pour une entreprise qui vend maillot tous qui participent en ligne. Also il était dans le processus de création d'un site Web pour son entreprise. Promouvoir c'était à cette entreprise et de la recherche le marché qu'il était à St Maarten / St Martin. Il a travaillé si dur sur son projet, il a été entièrement centré et mis de côté à des influences extérieures, afin qu'il puisse se concentrer sur elle. " Le Maragnes expliquer Manoel qui est normalement en contact avec sa famille chaque jour. Il partage les détails de son projet, sa vie, sa famille et les consulte normalement s'il a des questions. "Il continue de toucher surtout quand il est à l'étranger. S'il avait simplement qu'il a raté son vol serait certainement-ont appelé expiré ", ont-ils dit. La famille de came français St. Martin le jour suivant. La police a été contacté, et elle avait Manoel découvert que tous ses effets personnels laissés dans sa chambre d'hôtel, y compris son passeport et sa carte de crédit. Son véhicule de location a été trouvé dans les basses terres, avec dommages d'un côté. " Nous nous sentons chagrin ", disent les parents à nouveau, "nous n'allons pas perdre espoir but. Il est inconcevable pour nous Manoel qui ne sera pas trouvé. Ne peut pas notre fils à s'évaporer dans l'air léger. Nous sommes très proches de la famille. Nous l'aimons tous. Partout où il est, il a besoin de notre aide. Il doit y avoir quelqu'un, quelque part qui sait ce qui est arrivé à Manoel. Veuillez nous contacter, ou à contacter la police. Nous allons continuer à distribuer des tracts, à essayer d'obtenir tous les renseignements que nous pouvons pour aider notre fils. Nous ne pouvons pas vivre sans obtenir certaines réponses. " Manoel de parents n'auront pas renoncer à l'espoir que leur son va revenir. Avez-vous quelqu'un peut vous aider, qui a vu Manoel dans les heures qui ont précédé sa disparition et qui n'a pas encore parlé à la police est prié de le faire. Tant du côté français ou du côté néerlandais de Police peut être contacté.

Friday, December 27, 2013


Honorable Prime Minister Sarah Wescot William is St Maarten's top ballbreaker, and now she's turned her skills on the Dutch. I know it sounds unbelievable, but evidently Sarah has a better grasp of the new Constitutional laws than the Dutch. The constitution is in Dutch, but evidently the 'brains' in Holland misinterpreted a lot of OUR constitution, which means that their "integrity investigation" might be UN-constitutional, which means Sarah has them by the balls again. Same M.O. , different victims. Sometimes it's Theo, sometimes it's Marlin, sometimes it's the big boys in Holland. Tell me when does Sarah NOT have some government official or politician by the nutsack? So now they're stuck playing this 'appeasement' game with Sarah, but you're NOT going to win in a game against Sarah, when she HELPED to write the constitution, and she HIRED women like Janet Hague to help her write the constitution.  Of course Sarah put in clauses and loopholes should her government ever be under investigations. The Dutch should have reviewed our constitution before 2010!!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

SARAH WESCOT WILLIAMS VS THE DUTCH 'hit me baby one more time!" integrity

The Dutch have decided to have Sint Maarten investigated. The Dutch feel like little corrupt islands like St Maarten, make them (the Dutch) look bad, to the rest of the world. The Dutch demanded an integrity hearing of the St Maarten Government, which is basically an investigation and audit of everything, including financial records. The Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams was appalled and compared the integrity investigation by the Dutch as 'neo-colonistic and a 'constitutional blunder'. Sarah is not called 'the Snake" for no reason. She evidently discovered a 'loophole' in the constitution, which would make it unconstitutional to be investigated by the Dutch. It would not make sense for the Dutch to try to amend these loopholes, because they've already asked for the integrity investigation, and the other Islands would have to sign-off, on such an amendment, something that they will probably not do, considering it would restrict their autonomy even further. Sarah has appointed Attorney Richard Gibson Sr and Jan Beaujon. That is a joke in St Maarten, why not have friends who owe you favors be selected to investigate you and your government? Well the answer is obvious in most third world countries, but not St Maarten.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


James Richardson, head of the VDSM (St Maarten Secret police) ended up missing for several months, and although there were questions in the papers back in Late June, early July it wasn't until last week that James Richardson finally made his re-appearance, with some strange statements and accusations. One statement in his interview was that he had been staying at the Tamararind hotel in Point Blanche, the same hotel where a Security Guard was found injured several weeks ago. Considering the severity of the mysterious attack and injuries to security guard, it was surprising that why the person interviewing James Richardson didn't ask him whether there was a connection to his hiding out at the hotel, and the security guard being injured. Was the security guard there specifically for James Richardson's protection? There were tens of thousands missing from the VDSM budget when Richardson disappeared several months ago. Richardson claimed that the money was spent on his lavish hide out at the Tamarind, but there is a ten thousand dollar discrepancy between what is missing, and what was spent while he was hiding out. James Richardson also clarified that he had been hiding out from people trying to kill him, and had spent thousands on a security wall for his private home. The money of course came from his VDSM expense account, which is covered by the St Maarten taxpayer. Back when James Richardson turned up missing in June, there were also cryptic statements being made about illegal wire tapping, phone tapping and surveillance. Mr Richardson never clarified whether this was the reason behind his alleged 'death threats'.
It appears that someone was giving through political favors, a high ranking position. It appears that they took advantage of their position and the the taxpayer money that was entrusted to them to be able to do their job well. This person seems to have many excuses now, but nothing adds up, and it appears that now, not only are there questions about the legality and ethics of what the VDSM were doing, there are also questions as to whether James Richardson simply took advantage of his position of authority and expense account. The investigation continues, but oddly enough the one investigating Mr Richardson, also are said to be under investigation as well.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Hi Elegio Somersall United People's Party I'm sorry 4 doing what I did last week at the Kadaster....NOT

Hi Elegio....Hi Cuz... :)
Friday I didn't really need anything. I saw Antonio Brown enter the Kadaster on Backstreet, And I wanted to capture me verbally assaulting him on a High Res camera. So when I came in, I had to pretend that I was looking 4 you, and that I needed something. So I Followed Antonio Brown into the Kadaster, and started shit, just so that I could capture it on camera. I got the greatest video u evah saw :)
I got you trying to quiet me, I got the other guy telling me I can't you the word "cock" at the Kadaster, so Is started calling Antonio a "penis" and there was nothing they could do about it. I have a lotta video, so much video. But everything is high res, slow internet hard to process. When I just post a random video, it's never random. I won't be coming to the Kadaster 4 awhile, I got all I need. When I want to talk to you, I'll call or visit. Thank you Antonio Brown 4 giving me the opportunity to vent on your punk ass on HQ/HD quality :)